Built By Benton

Functional Fitness, Weightlifting, Gymnastics, General Fitness
Ben Garard


Programmed by: Ben Garard

About the Training

Session Duration: 60-75 minutes: 5 Work Days (Mon-Fri) 1 Strongman + Active Recovery Day (Sat) &1 Rest Day (Sun)

Training Goal: Strength, Power, Speed, Endurance, Balance, Co-ordination, Accuracy Conditioning, Flexibility & Stamina

Required Equipment

Minimum Equipment List:

  • Barbell
  • Rig & Squat Rack
  • Dumb Bells
  • Box
  • Kettlebells
  • Medicine & or Wall Balls
  • Rings
  • Bumper Plates
  • Resistance Stretch Bands
  • Air Bike / Rower / Stationary Bike / or similar

Recommended Equipment:

  • Assault-Bike, Concept 2 Rower, Ski Erg, Bike Erg
  • Rope Climb
  • Ab Mat
  • Skipping Rope

More about Built By BENTON

Built By BENTON Affiliate Program is an every day worker based training program that is a true full-service program. From your warm up, mobility, activation drills, movement prep, strength, weightlifting, gymnastics, mixed in with metabolic conditioning, and your CrossFit style workouts. This program is for the dedicated person who may work every day 9am-5pm & wants to make a change in their lives, they have 60-75 minutes for a thorough training session 5-6 days per week & is willing to put in the work to get the results they want.

Here are the hard facts: All things considered equal, the bigger, faster, and more powerful both physically and mentally as people & or athletes tend to walk off the battle field victorious. You can't make drastic improvements to those key performance markers without putting in the time in the gym; the people who say you can are lying to you.

And finally, form follows function. If you want to look like, feel like and be like a certain person you have in mind and then you need to train like one. Get started with Built By BENTON and Be Your Best TODAY.

Other Benefits

Every day includes training emails to show you what is scheduled for the day and ahead and or week if you want to look into it.

Every Weightlifting & or Strength Component is linked to video movement demo.

Active recovery and or Outdoor activities plus recovery meal suggestions are provided on Sundays for your Rest Day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm not into CrossFit", is this for me?

A:It doesn't matter if you are a CrossFit Games athlete like Ricky or Ben who writes this programming or if you are a league player, a sprinter, baller, hurdler, wrestler, surfer, lifter, drifter, or soldier. Or a champ stuck behind a desk wanting to change their life. We guarantee this system will empower those that know they always have more to give and further to go as athletes and as people no matter what their goal is.

Q: What if I don't have all the equipment?

A:If you don't have a piece of equipment, we have a solution for you! Simply message the teams activity stream and we can give you an alternative straight away.

Q: I can't do "that lift" because I hurt "this thing" what am I supposed to do now?

A:Our coaches are engaged with our athletes daily to address issues like this. Simply ask your question in the team's activity stream, and we'll provide you with suggestions!

Q: Where do I start?

A:Sign up today, and start today, no need to "wait for the next block". And don't be that person who "starts tomorrow." You need to start with the program on the day you sign up and be aware of your ego and your abilities to start with. Make sure you build into it, focusing on technique over weight. This will ensure long term success in your training. ***If you have not lifted weights consistently for 1 or more years but you have a recent 1RM, 3RM, and 5RM in all of your strength, power and oly lifts, then start again. Build it back from the ground up and avoid any bad old habits.

Q: Is there a contract?

A:Your subscription is month to month, and you can change at any time.

Q: Where can I find answers to questions that aren't listed here?

A:Shoot us an email at info@bentongym.com

6 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Team Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Built By Benton: 2022-04-04



1 Round: 15/12 Cal Machine 5 Inchworms w/Strict Push Up 5/5 Bird Dogs 10 Green Band Good Mornings 5/5 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift into Reverse Lunge 5/5 Shoulder CARS 5/5 Ankle CARS into.. 5 Muscle Cleans @empty bar 5 Power Cleans @empty bar 3:00 stretch, mobility, activation & specific movement prep for Power Cleans.


Power Clean

10 x 1 @ 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5, 90, 92.5 %

4RFT Run/Front Squats/Burpees/Pull Ups


4 Rounds For Time: 400m Run 5 Front Squats @85/55kg *from the floor 15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar 15 Pull Ups [Rest exactly 1:00 b/t rounds] Scaled: @60/40kg - Band Assisted Pull Ups RX+ @102/70kg - Bar Facing Burpees - Chest To Bar Pull Ups

Optional Extras - Accessories


Accessory Work (Push/Pull) Part 1 - 3 sets each as a circuit A) 12-10-8 Bench Press @increasing load each round B) 10/10 Single Arm Meadows Row C) 10/10 Single Leg Crossbody Deadlift D) :30 Dual DB Overhead Hold @22.5/15kg *Rest :30 b/t movements, 1:00 b/t sets. Make sure not to load too heavy here. This is all about form and completing the rep and set scheme. Part 2 - Core Work - 3 sets: 1:00 Weighted Plank (add plated to your back) 1:00 Rest

Built By Benton: 2022-04-05



:30 EFFORT :15 TRANSITION X 8 sets 1. Cal Machine 2. Dynamic Squat Stretch 3. Adductor Plate Slide @15/10kg 4. Back Squats @empty bar 5:00 stretch, mobility, activation & specific movement prep for Back Squat.


Back Squat

10, 8, 6, 6, MAX @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 %

15:00 AMRAP DB Lunges/Sit Ups/DB Devils Press/DB S2OH


15:00 AMRAP 10m (2X5m) Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunges @22.5/15kg 20 Sit Ups 10 Single DB Devils Press @22.5/15kg 20 Single DB Shoulder To Overhead @22.5/15kg Scaled: @20/12.5kg RX+ GHD Sit Ups - Dual DB Devils Press @22.5/15kg

Optional Extras - Accessories


Part 1, 3 sets: A) 30m Dual DB Overhead Walk @22.5/15kg B) 10/10 Single Arm DB Rows C) 10/10 Bulgarian Split Squats D) 15/15 Side Plank w/Leg Lift Rest :30 b/t movements, 1:00 b/t sets. Part 2, Core/Grip Work: 3 Rounds: Max L-Sit 10-15 Reverse Standing Wrist Curls (w/barbell) 2:00 rest b/t sets

Built By Benton: 2022-04-06



:30 EFFORT :15 TRANSITION X 8 sets 1. Cal Machine 2. Red Band Overhead Squat 3. Snatch Grip Sotts Press @broomstick 4. 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 Overhead Squat @empty bar 5:00 stretch, mobility, activation & specific movement prep for Power Snatch.


Power Snatch

10 x 1 @ 77.5, 80, 80, 82.5, 82.5, 85, 85, 87.5, 87.5, 90 %

4RFT Cals/Wall Balls/DB Snatch/Bar Muscle Ups


4 Rounds, For Time: 20/16 Cal Machine 15 Wall Balls @9/6kg 10 Alternating DB Snatch @32.5/22.5kg 5 Bar Muscle Ups [Rest exactly 1:00 b/t rounds] *Don't include last 1:00 rest in your score. Scaled: @6/3kg - @22.5/15kg - Band Assisted Chest To Bar Pull Ups or Strict Pull Ups RX+ 5 Rounds - 7/5 Ring Muscle Ups

Optional Extras - Accessories Body Armour


Accessory Work: Part 1 - 3 sets each as a circuit A) 15 Reverse Hyper @60/40kg B) :60 Weighted Plank *Rest :30 b/t movements, 1:00 b/t sets. Part 2 - 3 sets: A) 10/10 Half Kneeling Bottom-Up KB Press B) 15/15 Single Leg Hip Thrusts C) 15/15 Pallof Presses w/med ball adductor squeeze

Built By Benton: 2022-04-07



:30 EFFORT :15 TRANSITION X 6 sets 1. Strict Push Up into Downward Dog 2. Red Band Tricep Push Downs 3. 10 Bench Press @empty bar | 2nd set @40/25kg 5:00 stretch, mobility, activation & specific movement prep for Bench Press.


Bench Press

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, MAX @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 55 %

Option 1 - EMOM Skills Peg Board/Rope Climb/Handstand Walks/Alt V-Ups/Sled Push


20:00 EMOM 1. 1-2 Rope Climbs @15' or 1-2 Peg Boards @12/10' or (Sc: 2-5 Lying To Standing Rope Climbs or 5-10 Peg Board Pull Ups) 2. 5-25m Handstand Walk (Sc: Handstand Shoulder Taps Against Wall or Handstand Hold) 3. 10-20 Alternate Leg V-Ups 4. 4-8 Sandbag Cleans @68/45kg (Sc: @45/30kg) 5. 20-30m Sled Push @moderate (eg: @40/20kg) *Discuss with your coach appropriate scaling options for each of these movements if needed. The goal is to get better, improve and get exposure to these higher skilled movements EMOM style, without a super high heart rate so you can fully focus.

Option 2 - Monostructural Machine Work


For Time: 50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50 Cal Machine 1:00 Rest b/t sets *Focus on challenging working pace for each interval. Increasing pace as the Cals decrease, but focus on hitting the same working pace on the back half of the workout. Push this and see what's possible.

Optional Extras - Swimming


Swimming Workout: 100m Warm-Up 2 attempts at Max breath hold swim 2 X 100m with pull buoy, no kicking. Rest 2:00 b/t sets 3 X 300m, Rest 3:00 b/t sets 3 X 200m, Rest 2:00 b/t sets *Start timer on first set of 300m, TOTAL time from there including all compulsory rest is your score.

Built By Benton: 2022-04-08



2 Rounds 1:00 Cal Machine 5 Burpee Broad Jumps 10 Dynamic Squat Stretch 5 Adductor Rockbacks 5/5 Romanian Deadlifts 10 Zombie Squats 3:00 stretch, mobility, activation & specific movement prep for Front Squats.


Front Squat

5 x 5 @ 67.5, 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5 %

Partner Workout


In Pairs, For Time 20-16-12-8-4 Deadlifts @110/65kg 20-16-12-8-4 Box Jump Over @60/50cm 20-16-12-8-4 Strict Pull-ups 10-8-6-4-2 Wall Walks *The flow of the workout is 20 Deadlifts/20 BJO/20 Strict Pullups/10 Wall Walks, 16/16/16/8 etc. Sc: @90/50kg, Banded Strict Pullups RX +: @143/102kg, 72/60cm

Optional Extras - Accessories


3 sets each as a circuit : A) 10/10/10 Shoulder Raise (Lateral, 45 Degrees, Front) B) 10-15 Tibialis Raises C) 15/15 Single Leg Reverse Hyper D) 10/10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises *Rest :30 b/t movements, 1:00 b/t sets

Hour Of Power: 2022-04-09

Warm Up


:30sec Effort, :15s Rest X 8 Sets 1. Cal Machine 2. Red band Strict Press alternating front/behind neck 3. 6/6 Bird dogs 4. Push Press w 2 sec pause Overhead Empty Bar


Push Press

5 x 5 @ 67.5, 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5 %



4:00 ON, 2:00 REST X 3 SETS 15 Toes To Bar 15 Hand Release Pushups 15 Hang Power Cleans @52/35kg *MAX Cal Machine in Remaining time Sc: @40/25kg, Hanging knee Raises RX + Handstand Pushups



3 Sets 5/5 Weighted ATG Split Squats 10 Alt Goblet Cossack Squats 12m Hand over Hand sled pull @heavy 10/10 Knealing med ball rotational throw against wall *Rest :30 b/t movements, 1:00 min rest b/w rounds

coach-avatar Ben Garard

Started CrossFit in 2012. Fell in love with the methodology & the sport, that same year I opened Benton Gym. Competed at The CrossFit Games Individual in '15. I love coaching & passing on my knowledge to anyone willing to listen and put in the work.

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Built By Benton
Built By Benton
Built By Benton